Several forms of pains impede the routine activities in individuals. Pain relief is vital to rehabilitate the patients with severe body pains. The patients suffering from a certain kind of neurological disorder may feel strain in the body parts which is due to the strained muscles and ligaments, which needs to be treated precisely.

Our team’s expertise in pain management

  • As the tensed or damaged tissues are required to be diagnosed and treated well in time to avoid any further abnormalities, our neuro therapists and physiotherapists critically analyze the root cause of pain before commencing any treatment.
  • We, at, Neuro Aktiv clinic, treat the neurological disabilities of the patients to ease the headaches like: migraine, cluster and tension headaches along with pains occurred due to other neurological imbalances.
  • Our therapists cater to the severe spinal cord conditions of patients, back pain, headache and numerous post surgical pains.
  • The professionals and doctors at our clinic are internationally certified to treat the pain in patients and rely on only authentically proven treatments.
  • The worthy experience of our team of neuro-therapists, physiotherapists and clinicians trust the conventional treatments rendered by best doctors globally.
  • The pain management cell at Neuro Aktiv clinic offers the optimal amenities for pain management to support the spine of individuals and healing them from wincing aches.
  • We anticipate relieving the pain of patients and supporting them in performing every routine task as effectively as individuals without such neurological issues do.